
Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Reflections, 2015 Wishes

I was supposed to have published this earlier, forgive me, Christmas and New Years has been crazy! Enjoy!


Every year, at this point, we reflect on all that has happened. We sit and reminisce about the fights we had, the friends we made, the love we had and lost.

This year in particular has been incredibly eventful and enlightening. I thought it might be nice to share with you a couple of experiences I have had.

Going back to Nigeria in the summer and at Christmas, I had a social re-education. I learnt more about Nigerians as a people, how we relate with one another. How judgmental we can be, how materialistic, how opinionated, how short sighted. However, I also learnt how generous, loving and happy go lucky we can be. How much we love to celebrate each and every positive moment we have. The turn up is mad real! That is what I will remember, that is what I choose to have remain with me.

I graduated this year! All Glory to God! I cannot begin to tell you how amazing it felt knowing that it was all over, even if all the stress started up again a short few months later. Strangely enough, my friend and I were talking about this, the day of graduation isn’t the day you feel you have accomplished anything, in fact it is such an anti climax, all those many hours and months of studying like crazy, writing essay after essay isn’t what magically transforms into this amazing relief. No, the relief comes the day after your last exam, graduation day is just the day, but the celebration of it, now that is definitely one I personally, will never forget.

My 21st Birthday party was a night to remember, till this day I will say it was special. I was in a room filled with all my favorite people, laughing joking, teasing one another. The food was amazing, and the music was on point thanks to my favorite DJ, DJ Loyalty (contact me for his details). And anyone who has followed this blog or knows me personally will know that food and music are my number one loves. That night was blessed.

I was panicking throughout the year, thinking about what I was going to do next. Do I move back to Nigeria, stay abroad? If I stay abroad, how will I secure a job, what do I want for my life? This has been a big struggle for me, but these days I have learned to let go and let God, and it has done wonders for me. I am more sure about who I am as a person these days, what I want and what I don’t want. What I plan to do. The greatest lesson I have learnt this year is that you cannot plan everything; everything is not in your absolute control. It is great to have a plan, a life plan, targets you want to meet, but don’t forget that life throws you curve balls and sometimes those curve balls, are exactly what you need to help you grow.

Filter! In fact I am still learning to filter. The single most important thing I have learnt is to know how to filter! It’s not everything you say to everyone. Some people cant handle the information you give them, or know how to react, always remember to gauge the people you are with. With that, you can then know how to proceed in divulging information.

Lastly, you are blessed. Do you know that? I believe we sometimes forget how much waking up in the morning is a blessing. So many people have died this year, including one of my favourite grand aunts. She died after a long but miraculous battle with cancer. She is in heaven now, resting, but Lord knows it was hard to come to terms with the fact that she is gone. One moment her eyes were open and the next, they were closed forever. Be thankful for the people you have in your life, make sure you treasure and appreciate them.

I will do another post soon, because there is so much in store including my new blogisite – #RealTalkwithGeorgie! I hope y’all are ready, because you are going to be in for a crazy ride!  #2015baby!

Happy New Year darlings!

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